IT Consultant: Top five posts of 2010

Based on the top IT Consultant posts of 2010, it seems that TechRepublic members like tips on how to stop working for free, how to spot problem clients, how to evaluate their expertise, and more. These are the top five IT Consultant posts of the year.

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1: Stop providing free IT consulting work

If your consultancy provides free support to callers, think of how many billable hours you lose each year. Here are tips on how to reduce free consulting in your firm.
2: Four types of clients to avoid

Difficult clients are often more trouble than you want to deal with for the money. Learn how to spot types of problem clients before you sign a contract.
3: Five questions to ask prospective clients

Here are five key questions that Brad Egeland has learned to ask at the beginning of any potential consulting engagement.
4: Evaluate your consulting expertise using the Dreyfus model

Do you qualify for the title of expert consultant based on the Dreyfus model of skill acquisition? Read about the model’s five stages of learning to find out.
5: How consultants can deal with the Impostor syndrome

The Impostor syndrome is a phenomenon in which successful people fail to appreciate their own abilities. Chip Camden offers consultants advice on what to do if they experience the syndrome.

Honorable mention: Chip Camden’s article What to do when you get in over your head was also one of the year’s most popular, but since it was originally published in 2007, we didn’t feature it with the 2010 posts.

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