Trading CompTIA Qualifications for MCSA Electives

Trading CompTIA Qualifications for MCSA Electives
I know this may sound silly and borderline paranoid but I just wanted some clear text on the matter.

I am currently CompTIA A+ and Network+ certified and I am currently planning to be certed in MCSA. So far, I have learnt that you can credit and substitute either CompTIA’s A+/Network+, A+/Server+ or Security+ for MCSA (pending on specialization).

Complete Comptia A+ trainingComptia A+ Certification for just $50 at

Now this is the bit am a bit frightened about; if I credit and substitute my A+/Network+ for an MCSA elective, do my CompTIA qualifications vanish into thin air? or cease to exist?

I just got certed last week! I do not wish to lose these certs…or I am just being very paranoid? I know this sounds very naive but if someone could clarify this particular fact, I would be very grateful.

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