CompTIA Training Programs

Why should you look into CompTIA Training? What is CompTIA and why is it important to your professional development?

The CompTIA or Computer Technology Industry Association is a non-profit organization that, among other things, oversees the training of computer technicians. They provide a standard of excellence that affiliated schools and training centers must meet. The association also develops the tests that a graduate from an affiliated training program must pass in order to become certified. CompTIA training is an important step towards gaining the marketability and security needed to make it in the IT industry. The amount of knowledge that IT professionals have makes a big difference. CompTIA certification programs train qualified, knowledgeable workers and introduce them to companies with jobs that need filling.

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CompTIA Training and Education
The Authorized Partner Program is the seal of recognition for quality training providers. These training facilities have been reviewed and approved by CompTIA and provide the most comprehensive certification exam preparation.

CompTIA gives back to the industry through their Educational Foundation, which provides education and training to individuals under-represented in the IT industry, such as dislocated or disabled workers, and military veterans . The association is famous globally as the top issuer of Information Technology certificates. The association has a global reach, serving members from offices in Australia, Canada, China, Germany, India, Japan, South Africa, South Korea, the United Kingdom, and the United States.
Careers with CompTIA Training

CompTIA certifications identify IT professionals who prove their aptitude in various fields, such as security, network administration, computer repair, and server administration

Attaining certifications gains greater job security, more job choices and greater prestige on the job. For industry, employing certified people leads to greater customer satisfaction, and increased productivity.

CompTIA exams and certificates are available for a wide variety of computer related fields including:

For beginner IT techs, the A+ test asks questions about preventative maintenance, installation, communication, troubleshooting, networking and professionalism.

For networking experts, the Network+ test asks questions about managing, troubleshooting, running and configuring essential system infrastructure.

For expert security analysts, the Security+ exam covers system coding, security networks, and evaluations.

For advanced Linux experts, the Linux+ exam covers software configurations, user administration, the basic administration of Linux systems and file permissions.

For beginner document-imaging and printer technicians, the PDI+ exam covers print engine, color theory, scan processes, tools, basic electromechanical components and networking.

For RFID experts, the RFID+ exam covers maintenance, troubleshooting and repair of RFID systems and installation.

For advanced convergence experts, the CTP+ exam covers managing data and voice networks, as well as design and implementation.

For technical coaches, the CTT+ exam asks about lesson planning, presenting a class, and testing in both virtual and traditional classrooms and environments.

For document imaging system sellers, the CDIA+ exam covers designing and planning a document imaging system as well as writing the specifications for it.
Expected Salary and Projected Career Growth

Countless IT professionals might see a typical decline in pay of just about 1.3% across the job marketplace as a total. But those with a secondary specialty in areas like defense, media, worldwide trade, or IT administration might be in a superior place if the assumed trends are accurate.

The IT defense field is the position to be in right at this time. It is advisable to gain security-relevant certifications as this field constantly increases in compensation and importance. New government safety regulations are a massive motivating power behind the increase of the field. Salary for information systems security managers can range between $90,000 and $135,000.

Web Designers and Application Architects are increasingly more often demanded as businesses attempt to advance their product’s reputation by utilizing social media and responsive web sites. Programmers experienced in Java, SQL, and MS Commerce Server are in the highest demand. For experienced web developers starting salary begins at just below $80,000 and can get up to $110,000. Even a job as a support technician or help desk expert, can earn salaries between $30,000 to $40,000

Information technology, even in a tough economy, is a rapidly growing field. Employment is expected to grow between now and 2018 adding around 286,000 new jobs. This is a plus for those with CompTIA Training.

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