Some Details about Comptia

Some Details about Comptia
I think my Tutor marked assignments have been very good, since I have started doing the A+ course. I have now completed part A and B of Essentials and Enterprise technician and waiting to do the two exams. I am currently doing N+ part B; I have already completed part A. Once I have worked through the tutor marked assignments for N+ I will then attempt the exam. Then I can start the CCNA part of the course, which for me this main and most important part. Before taking on this course, I had very good understanding about computer. However with good progression I have learnt a great deal about the core of computing and networking. My knowledge and understanding of computer is better now, I feel confident enough to teach other about computers.

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Whilst doing the A+ course I have been building my own personal computer at home. I have also become a family technician. I helped my friend build his own computer from scratch and help family members’ set-up home networking and wireless connection. Friends and family call me for advice about computers and any problems they come across. Using the A+ knowledge I have also managed to maintain computer to good working standard. I am only three exams away from completing two thirds of the course. I will hopefully start looking for new jobs related to A+ and N+.

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